"Ghosts" was born out
of a reaction to the current state of society. In many instances the
poor are getting poorer, and the natural resources in the world are
being exploited. The indigenous cultures of the world are being
ignored, and the systems that are in place are not working. The science
is pretty conclusive, if we as a species don't work out a reliable way
to work in with nature, it will collapse in upon us, and grow back over
us, and leave us as "Ghosts".
song is a reminder, that we are all Kings and Queens, no matter your
sex, race, or material wealth. We are part of this world and we should
be helping to maintains Earth’s balance, respecting all it’s creations.
The world as we know it needs to change.
While writing "Ghosts"
Baitercell and KMT were looking at examples of the fundamental systems
of nature and the beautiful images that they form. There are different
ways to perceive them, either through aesthetic experiences such as
music or working in the science of nature, biology, chemistry, physics
and maths.
The images in the
Music Video directed by Shae Sterling and conceptualised by Baitercell
and KMT, are actual mathematical representations of natural process
using genetic algorithms. (Created by Dr Scott Draves). Stay tuned for
more from this duo.